
Reservation is the key to compile together the divided people of India.
Caste is not created by reservation else castes are already in India for thousands of years. Reservation gave the same platform to the people who were or are divided into castes.

70% Indians have rural background , if anyone want to know the need of it then have to understand ground reality of India.
Reservation is not for rich or poor its for social equality which was absent for thousands of years by such of people who are now opposing it.
Reservation gives the opportunity to the people to come forward and make their part in society and create stability in society. Urban people oppose it because then think that nobody should enter in their places and nobody should share their bread with them.Its their desires to be on their choices with places, institutions, working fields and others, while India needs them to work in other places and states.
Today, when we look around then get that reservation has created lakhs and lakhs intellectuals who are standing and fighting for the society against wrong happening in the current scenario. Reservation is the need for the society to balance it and when it will be implemented rightly then there will be no need of it.
India has lived 60+ years of democracy but the reality of societies comes again and again through news and media which can't be avoided by negative posts on Facebook or Twitter. People need to understand the necessity of it.
The day when there will be no discrimination by caste, that day India will not be needed any reservation anymore.
I want to appeal to the people who have got benefits of reservation that please educate your children not only for government jobs but also for different areas such as Journalism, publishing, medicines, filming, acting, photography, politics, arts and crafts, assembling, business ownership, marketing and other fields. So that India can grow drastically in all over areas.
So better is to go beyond of lower thinking and make India better.
-Brij Mohan Vatsal