Practical 1 : Declaring complex numbers e.g. z1=3+4i, z2=4-7i. Discussing their algebra z1+z2, z1-z2, z1*z2 and z1/z2 and the plotting them.
Practical 2 : Finding conjugate, modulus and phase angle of an array of complex numbers, e.g. Z={2+3i, 4-2i, 6+11i, 2-5i} and plotting them for a complex number.
Practical 3 : Compute the integral of a complex function over a straight line path between the two specified end points as a+ib and c+id.
Practical 4 : Perform contour integration for complex function with contour C, which is given by g(x,y)=0.
Practical 5 : Plotting of the complex function, e.g. f(z)=z^3.
Program 6 : Finding the residue of complex functions.
Program 7 : Taylor series expansion of a given function f(z) around a given point z, given the number of terms in the Taylor series expansion. Hence comparing the function and it's Taylor series expansion by plotting the magnitude of each.
Program 8: Laurent series expansion of a given complex function f(z) around a given point z.
(i) f(z)=(Sin(z)-1)/z^4 around z=0,
(ii) f(z)=Cot(z)/z^4 around z=0, etc.
Program 9: Computing of Fourier series, Fourier sine series and Fourier cosine series of a complex function and plotting their graphs such as f(z)= z^2.