Numerical Analysis-Maxima

Program 1 : Calculate the sum 1/1+1/2+1/3+.................+1/N.

Program 2 : To Find the absolute value of an integer.

Program 3 : Sorting integers of array in ascending order.

Program 4 : Bisection Method.

Program 5 : False Position Method.

Program 6 : Newton's Method.

Program 7 : Secant Method.

Program 8 : Gauss-Jacobi Method.

Program 9 : Gauss-Seidel Method.

Program 10 : SOR Method.

Program 11 : Trapezoidal Rule.

Program 12 : Simpson's Rule.

Program 13 : 3/8-Simpson's Rule.

Program 14 : Lagrange's Interpolation.

Program 15 : Newton's Interpolation.

Programs : Additional in Guideline.